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Started by valpo04, May 24, 2011, 09:11:01 AM

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Looks like bbtds has left us.  He was a pretty active poster on both boards... wonder why he chose to delete his account.


he must not like the new direction of the forum. i still consider myself a newcomer and i'm not looking to try to challenge the veterans too much, but rather try to offer my opinion. hopefully in a respectful way, as sometimes i am too quick to respond.


I fear some of the tone was coming from those who were new to the board that were posting odd things about coaches and programs, but they would only post about a sport or team they had some kind of association with. They didn't all have a wide range of posting credibility, and it really attacked the board heavily. I do hope bbtds comes back, as he did have some good thoughts and opinions. I know I make some odd posts from time to time, but I do my best not to change the tone of the forum altogether.


I of all people have posted some odd thoughts and opinions (insert snide comment here) and hope he comes back too. It's always good to have people contribute in a positive way and that have as much history with the board as he did. It's too bad really...
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado