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Topics - AlecPeters101

Just got word from twitter that Javon is transferring. Wow, not gonna lie my heart sank when I read that. What a huge blow. Don't even know what to say...loss for words

Apparently Bakari is leaving too. Wow, don't get me wrong he underperformed BUT WHAT IS GOING ON!!!?? LOTTICH NEEDS THE BOOT! Where is Trump when you need him!? ;)
Valpo Basketball / Murray State > Valpo
March 09, 2019, 02:14:54 AM
Okay I didn't even know I had this account to be honest. I was trying to make one with my email and got a notification that my email was already in use so forgive the name. I've been viewing this board for a little over 6 years. I probably read this forum about every day so I would consider myself a very active member. I never post but I believe my opinion on a lot of things are good one. You may be shocked when reading this title but let's be honest here for a second. It hurts me to say this but put you bias aside. Look at what Murray state does. The attendance, the lottery pick, the culture. Sure we have a culture in a way but we thrive off of that 1998 run. To me that is so embarrassing. When are we going to let that season go and stop riding the coattail of Bryce and that season. What would we be without the Drew's? I understand that is kind of a would've could've should've hypothetical but it's true nonetheless. Our attendance is awful no matter what angle you look at it. Why is that? Is it because we play garbage teams? Is it because we arent very good right now? Or is it because locals simply don't care about the Valpo basketball team? I'd say it's a combination of all 3 and maybe a few others but for me I believe it's the last one. The everyday day person in the region thinks the Valpo U basketball team is a joke, and that's a fact. I've seen it at a first hand experience. They care more about the big school in the area. IU, Purdue, ND, etc. what does Vu have to offer? A crappy arena, almost 0 game day experience, and lately a crappy product. Now look at Murray state, look at their home attendance, and now look at the game they had tomight and how well they travel, it is simply amazing. I as a Valpo fan am EMBARASSED. We barely dedicated anything to our program. Why aren't we visiting local younger elementary, middle and high schools to build more of a fan base since we lack one? Why don't we get involved in the community besides simply going to the popcorn fest and half asssing everything? Why don't we try and fund for a better stadium? To me, lottich is not the long term answer! If we know this why don't we just cut ties and try and find a fit that will benefit us long term? If I was the mvc I would be incredibly pissed they didn't take Murray. Why? They change the conference tournament. Look at the publicity they recieve mostly because of ja Morant but still. They've actually won a tourney game in the last 10 years, while we still ride off the coat tail of one that happened 20 years ago. They've won multiple actually I believe. We are a joke of a program to be completely honest. Sure we have potential to be good. But I believe we have a very low ceiling compared to some other teams in this league. At least for now, until some major changes are made. Sorry for the rambling I've been saving this for a long time. Let me know what you think