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Messages - GoldenCrusader87

Per Robbie's Twitter,

"Matt Lottich tried to walk back to VU's hotel from Charlotte's arena because it was warm outside and he wanted to clear his mind but ended up calling an Uber partway through.
"It was insane. It was highway the whole way, so I'm not tryna get hit by a car."

I didn't watch the game. Wasn't going to pay to watch it. But this seems to sum things up rather well.
Stand by my prior comments. Not seeing the fans show up thus far. Not seeing the students show up thus far. And have you seen the pep band? If so, let them know when the next home game is. Truly a better environment when they're there. If we honestly don't have a full pep band, invite local high school bands. It's a shame. What happened to the drum line?
Sure defense is a concern but equally alarming is our free throws thus far ... We win that game with better free throw shooting down the stretch
I've been hopefully optimistic thus far. It is a more entertaining style of basketball than we've seen thus far in the Lottich era. I've been impressed by Krikke. Equally surprised by Gordon and Zion not getting many minutes. Happy for JFL. Been impressed by Sackey. Not big on Kiser but know he's a fan favorite. Robinson playing well. Can tell Clay is raw but a lot of upside.
With the recent news regarding the culmination of the men's soccer and tennis programs, it sure seems like there would be an increased amount of pressure on the basketball program bringing in good revenue. Thus far, I'm seeing a better product on the court. Seems like we have more Saturday games, right? Non-conference home schedule not bad. Also, we're seeing an effort to improve the fan experience with the gentleman who asks questions, comes into he stands, and so forth. Soooo - some good stuff. With that said, we just need to get those stands a bit more full .... and obviously the student section.
Thank you for sharing the band photos. I was thinking vs North Dakota how sparse the stands are and the band particularly. Sad.
I've been pleasantly surprised thus far this season by the product on the court. Trying not to get too excited as I've done so in the past only to be disappointed down the stretch. I really like the tempo. Lottich a little more fiery. Freeman staying is huge and the team seems to rally behind him. Losing our two 7'ers allows for a better pace. Krikke been decent. Excited to see clay in time develop but will take a little while. Sackey playing well.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Staff Changes Announced
August 21, 2019, 06:59:15 AM
I was pleasantly surprised by our performance in Canada. My hope is that Matt lets these guys play like he did in Canada. If he does and these guys are all bought in with a team mentality, we'll win a lot of games.

As for the coaching situation, makes sense we made the most of it. But, I do agree we need a young gun with the emotion and such.

Here's a question: We could've had Austin Peters in that role but didn't extend an offer (to my knowledge). Still could've. Now, maybe they weren't impressed with him when he was a grad assistant earning his masters. Idk. Just a thought.

Or, why wouldn't we get Buggs back up here?????
Valpo Basketball / Re: Staff Changes Announced
August 20, 2019, 08:24:19 PM
Not to be a downer ... but looks like we settled. I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack for that but just saying ...
Valpo Basketball / Re: MBB 2019-2020
August 07, 2019, 09:11:37 PM
Lol even the walk-on transferred? Or opted not to play? Wow. That's telling. Super nice kid, too. He's on a full ride anyhow. So good for him to be able to make a decision where he's not obligated for the scholarship.

$250k is still a lot of money .... especially for someone who hadn't ever been an HC before. But I get it ... it's
The name of the game. Supply and demand. With that said, I certainly hope something tangible comes of these buyouts. Let's say we get $250k - $300k total, that's gotta be enough to make some sort of upgrades ... like, oh idk ... lights! Covering up the tinfoil over the air ducts ... painting the walls .... new PA system? Something ....
Let's hope for a better intro video this year. Last year's was about as worthwhile as the team / coach
Valpo Basketball / Re: Facilities
July 06, 2019, 10:49:35 AM
Any updates regarding anything that's been done to the ARC? I love how many of us participated in the survey this past spring. And, yet - we've never seen any of the results, feedback, or findings. Figures. All in vain.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Alec Peters in the Pros
July 06, 2019, 10:46:42 AM
I'm thinking / hoping he's got something lined up. Otherwise, idk how he's going to pay for the million dollar farm he purchased a few years ago. Or the high rise apartment in downtown Chicago ...
It would be neat if we started doing multiple anthems. Given the number of overseas players. Kind of like what NHL does with Canada.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
June 09, 2019, 08:15:18 PM
Bakari to Iowa. Golder to Portland State. Sarolla to Cindy. Smitts to Butler. Sure seems like these "selfish" no-good-for-nothing players are hitting the upgrade button, if you ask me. Will be interesting to see how this season ends up. Nobody to blame at this point if most our players left and we're still a bottom feeder in the league. Will we get to 500? Is that an accomplishment? Idk ...
Valpo Basketball / Re: MBB 2019-2020
June 06, 2019, 07:10:58 PM
I choose to look at things from a glass half full perspective.

For example,

At least we'll feel right at home in the good ol' ARC. So, that's a *known*. And, we have the same coaching staff (to my knowledge). So, that's another *known.*

Probably still can bank on a one or two scoop from Culver's to make up for the crappy concessions. So, that's like the trifecta of trifectas.

Valpo Basketball / Re: Coaches...and Michigan
May 23, 2019, 11:59:58 AM
Moot point — for Valpo at least — we don't get our local top talent to come here anyhow. Lol. Just saying ...
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
May 12, 2019, 08:46:12 AM
Ya - I checked the message board to see if there's any updates on transfers. Haven't been on in awhile. But, alas - haven't missed a beat. Those who question Matt as the leader of this team at this time - are still roasted and ridiculed.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
May 01, 2019, 02:15:42 PM
Matt's coaching next year. It is what it is. Like it or not. Same vanilla offense? Let's hope not. Give the reigns over to an assistant maybe? Idk. Kind of like college football - or pros for that matter. Offensive and defensive coordinators. Both of whom can focus their attention on one part of the game. Matt can coach D. On offense, he looks at a little notecard or something and calls a routinely boring and predictable offense. Give the responsibility over to someone. Don't have someone on staff who can handle it? Then get rid of someone and bring a guy or girl in.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Union Street Hoops
April 28, 2019, 06:52:05 PM
I was perturbed to see that Micah was speaking at a camp or something the other day. He's not (or shouldn't be) an ambassador of our program.
And, if he is ... we've got bigger problems on our hands. Nothing spells out a "me mentality" than getting in trouble for something and then getting in trouble for it again. Jeopardizes your team. That's as "me-oriented" as it gets.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Breaking news!!
April 26, 2019, 03:25:44 PM
Right - I hope for both of their sakes that the cases can be dropped legally. As for basketball, we have to uphold standards for codes of conduct violations. First time offenses are one thing - repeated offenses that do not show a change in behavior are something very different. They're kids. They don't need these things to impact their futures after their VU bball days are over. It's an entirely different story for repeat offenders when it comes to privileges they have as scholarship athletes.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers
April 26, 2019, 12:38:32 PM
I'd love to see Jayce Johnson
Valpo Basketball / Re: Union Street Hoops
April 26, 2019, 10:09:41 AM
Paul's likely waiting for everything to work itself out so he can put a positive spin on this entire dumpster fire and ultimately validate his prior comments about Matt and the positive trajectory of the program.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Breaking news!!
April 26, 2019, 10:05:21 AM
So well said. Being on scholarship is a privilege. After the first offense and then sitting out an entire year due to injury - he had an opportunity to redeem himself. And blew it. Suspended indefinitely is hopefully due to the need for due process. However, the report clearly states his admittance to the offense. Even if things get dropped, he deserves to be dismissed from the team. It will help - in the big scheme of things - to either teach him a lifelong lesson OR prove this is the way he does business. We live in a state where it's illegal. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Also, these athletes choose to sign on the dotted line when accepting a scholarship and membership of an ncaa-regulated athletic team. First offense - fine. Doesn't learn from it and does it again? Goodbye.