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Started by truth219, December 06, 2012, 09:39:55 AM

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Paul Oren, @nwioren tweeted what's up with Rossi. Give a follow and find out.


Rossi belongs at Valpo...   What could be better than having a coach who understands what he is going through.    And a community that cares about the person first and the athlete second...    Certainly wish him the best as he recovers.


It sure sounded like he will be back soon. Matt Kenney back to practice today as well. Get healthy and stay healthy for the stretch run!


So rossi will be back this year?


Quote from: Smj on February 04, 2013, 06:54:52 PM
Rossi belongs at Valpo...   What could be better than having a coach who understands what he is going through.    And a community that cares about the person first and the athlete second...    Certainly wish him the best as he recovers.

Yes, Smj, you are exactly right. The explanation of Rossi's condition sounds similar to what Bryce went through when he had heart problems. Rossi could not have a better coach to understand his situation.


Can someone post what was said


He had a heart ablation procedure and should be cleared for practice soon, will play again this year.


Quote from: truth219 on February 04, 2013, 07:33:06 PM
Can someone post what was said

Oren reports Rossi had a heart ablation procedure done last month. My understanding is that if it was a catheter procedure, recovery time is very quick.


Well that's good, but at this point do you think he he will get any mins


I have Afib (atrial fibrillation) -- it's correctable by Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA).  Note I say HAVE.  I am asymptomatic right now, but once it surfaces you are always at risk.  If ablation is what Rossi had, it takes many weeks to fully heal (yes, the incisions are tiny like an knee scope job, but it's the heart that needs more time).  Ablation involves a catheter being passed up from the groin up and into the heart.  The catheter punctures the wall between the ventricle and the atrium and a laser-like tip burns portions of the inner left atrium wall to correct erratic heart beats.  I have gone through three such procedures in the last 5 years.  The reason:  Afib can recur (as it did in my case).  The other element of this procedure, if this is what Rossi has undergone, is that he will be on blood thinners (warfarin) for at least 6 months after the procedure just in case there is a post-procedure issue.  The primary concern is that Afib causes blood to pool in the atrium where there is a greater chance of clots forming and therefore stroke. 

But he is young and the prognosis should be better for him.  But don't expect him back in 2013 (i.e., if he was diagnosed with Afib).  At 6 Months after my second ablation, I was biking 12-15 miles a day, so there is no reason to think his career is over.  And exercise is not the causal factor in recurrence -- it just occurs  (probably genetics more than anything).


According to Oren's tweet, Rossi WILL play again this year.


That's optimistic and IMO stupid (if it was Afib).  Go for the med red shirt.  He's lost most of the season already.  He's lost his conditioning edge and will have to stress his heart to get back to game shape.  Why risk it until he is 100% healthy and is off drugs.


I highly doubt they would risk his future, so maybe it's not the same as what you have expierenced.


Oren's tweet is too black and white. Look up ablation on the internet and you will see it is a treatment that is all about heart arrhythmia.  Hank Gathers, Reggie Lewis come to mind.  In all descriptions, Docs will not truly know whether they have been successful for months after the procedure.  They are guessing -- although it's educated-- that they've zapped all the wild tissue contributing to the condition.  They might also not have zapped a particular area hard enough and it regenerates in the matter of a couple of months.  It is about wait and watch -- i.e., time. 

But I share your feeling that they will not risk Rossi's health.  I take more issue with the "he WILL play this season" prediction.  This is unpredictable.  I will predict, however, that if he has a clean slate by March or April he'll be given a green light to begin regular training and by June he'll be off the blood thinners.

Regardless, I wish Alex all the best.


Had the procedure done in Savannah three years ago. No problems. Feel great and to think I was born when Herbert Hoover was Pres. Ah,the miricles of modern medicine Good luck Rossi,you're young,resilient and in good hands. Go Valpo! :thumbsup:


Did you and Strom Thurmond ever go out and tee off together?


Nope! I'm originally a Jersey guy. Lived in both MD. and MA. most of my corporate life. Ran into "Jim Crow" when I was stationed at Fort Gordon,Ga. in the mid 50's. Separate drinkling fountains,restrooms, et.al. Hated Jim Crow and Strom too. Yet, I retired to the low country of SC 17 years ago. Our neighbors are basically from the NE and MW. An island of blue in a sea of red. About a dozen VU grads live here also. GO Valpo! Go Rossi! :thumbsup:


If he can get a medical red-shirt, I hope he goes that route.  I'd rather that he contribute for another full season than risk an early return for the sake of a few games.
Beamin' Beacons


Good to hear that things should turn around for him.  He could be a good addition to have a sharpshooter coming off the bench this year, or an older presence on a young team next year.  He is a dead eye shooter, which we could use on occasion when everyone else is struggling from 3.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I stated that Rossi "WILL play this season" because when I asked the question of Bryce, he gave me an "Oh yeah" in a tone that made me feel silly for even asking the question once we learned he was about to be cleared. We (two reporters) had asked about Kenney and then I said "while we're on injuries, do you have a further update on Alex Rossi?" Up till this point the basketball staff had said very little about Rossi and I'll admit that I haven't asked much about it. Bryce perked up and was excitable when he talked about Rossi getting cleared. Walking out of the room, I felt the matter was very black and white.


Fascinating!  Great to hear the details behind the (fairly clear) NWI Times reporting.

Reading the Post Tribune accounts vs. the Times, even this morning, it seemed like they _could_ be read differently.  Or, may have just chosen different ways to say approximately the same thing.

The Post Tribune version
Feb 4, 2013 Michael Osipoff
gives the Rossi news as follows:
Drew said Alex Rossi last week underwent "successful" cardiac ablation, a procedure to correct an abnormal heart rhythm, and should be cleared to return to practice later this week and play again this season. The sophomore guard who transferred from California hasn't played since the Crusaders' Dec. 22 win against Purdue Calumet. He has averaged 2.1 points in nine games, shooting 5-of-8 from 3-point range.

"He's one of our best shooters," Drew said. "If he's healthy, it's nice to have that option to put him in the game or not."

One could read that as "should be cleared to play again this season".  Which is particularly interesting with Drew pointing out that, if healthy, it'd be nice to have the option to put him in... or not.

All told, the Post Tribune leaves me with a rather less certain impression than the Times.

But, that may have been unintentional!


If Rossi and Drew _do_ plan to have him play this year... presumably it's because they think the medical redshirt can't happen?  Or, Rossi wants to be off campus before he'd have time to use it?
Or, they agree that the extra scoring punch might be key to making a good season really special?  Or some combination?


This is sad news- best wishes to him.

However, the records show he played in 9 games this year.  He would have to play in less than 20% of the total team games (45 games) to qualify for a medical redshirt.  Hopefully, he will play as a junior next year, and senior the following.


Quote from: motowntitan on February 05, 2013, 04:34:27 PMHowever, the records show he played in 9 games this year.  He would have to play in less than 20% of the total team games (45 games) to qualify for a medical redshirt. 

I can never keep these rules straight.

But, wikipedia has got it as "Popularly known as a medical redshirt, a hardship waiver may be granted an athlete who appears in fewer than 30% of his or her team's competitions (with none coming after the midway point of the season), then suffers a season-ending injury."

We'll play at least 32 games, so 30% is 9.6. 

I think this is consistent with Oren's reporting, earlier.  They seemed to pull him right at the boundary of where he could maintain eligibility for a medical redshirt.


I've heard through the grapevine that Rossi has made a great recovery from his procedure and actually wanted to play against UIC. He will be medically eligible to play against Cleveland State on Saturday. 
"We must stand aside from the world's conspiracy of fear and hate and grasp once more the great monosyllables of life: faith, hope, and love. Men must live by these if they live at all under the crushing weight of history." Otto Paul "John" Kretzmann