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Bryce Drew...

Started by HutchJones, January 30, 2019, 05:42:24 PM

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Bryce had it made in the shade here.  Roger was setting himself up for a head coaching job.  Darn their competitiveness (and all that extra money).


Reasons Bryce Should Have Stayed:

1. He's near sainthood here and loves Valpo

Reasons Bryce Should Have Left:

1. $$$$$$$
2. Valpo wouldn't commit to a timeline on ARC Reno
3. Near unlimited recruiting budget and a conference affiliation that gets you in almost any living room in the country
4. Wife (apparently) likes it down there. Happy Wife, Happy Life.
5. Scott showed the move could be made
6. Facilites


The question that I will always wonder about is why Powell didn't stay. I know, same reasons as above. But staying and having success here would have fast tracked him to the job he's always wanted at Illinois.


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 07, 2019, 09:40:55 AM
I can see the 30 for 30 now:

"What if I told you one man's decision to leave his alma mater would wreck two Vu's at the same time?"

I would never say that anything Bryce or any of the Drews did 'wrecked' Valpo. They exhibited loyalty and commitment to Valpo far beyond what most people would do for a mid-major program. I personally hope that Bryce turns things around at Vanderbilt and that the 'powers at be' in Nashville recognize the potential for long-term success, despite some short-term poor performance. Unfortunately, too many people only look at the short term.


I get why Bryce left but I also think that he wasn't as prepared for the jump as he thought he was.

In reality he left after an NIT run which also coincided with his first post season win. Valpo had never beat a ranked team with him (I believe) and let's not forget our time in the NIT came because in the first year of motor city madness we laid an egg in the first round once we didn't have home court advantage (and maybe we don't make it to MSG if we have to play FSU on a neutral court).

I get that they wanted more money and resources from Valpo but it's pretty clear that more money and resources and access to higher level talent hasn't helped him (if anything he is going worse) and exposed a lot of weakness(ironically maybe weakness we are seeing here in a coach that learned under him).


Bryce's news conference.  At least he has company as the women's team also finished last in the conference.

Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Aside from the pay day, I wonder if Bryce regrets leaving Valpo. 


Quote from: valpolaw on March 07, 2019, 12:32:07 PM
Aside from the pay day, I wonder if Bryce regrets leaving Valpo. 

Notwithstanding the pay, if it doesn't work out it will have effected more than Bryce, his wife and son.  Consider that in addition to guys like Powell and the other assistants, his sister and husband moved to Nashville to be Bryce's agent and assistant coach, and Homer and his wife also relocated there.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu84v2 on March 07, 2019, 10:02:01 AM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 07, 2019, 09:40:55 AM
I can see the 30 for 30 now:

"What if I told you one man's decision to leave his alma mater would wreck two Vu's at the same time?"

I would never say that anything Bryce or any of the Drews did 'wrecked' Valpo. They exhibited loyalty and commitment to Valpo far beyond what most people would do for a mid-major program. I personally hope that Bryce turns things around at Vanderbilt and that the 'powers at be' in Nashville recognize the potential for long-term success, despite some short-term poor performance. Unfortunately, too many people only look at the short term.
Bryce wasn't loyal to Valpo as a coach. Because of his dad, he was able to get an assistant and then head coaching job handed to him at a young age. He was conducting interviews with other schools after his first year. I see not taking the DePaul job as common sense, not loyalty. I'm still not sure there's been a coach to get that large of a contract having not won an NCAA tournament game as a coach or an assistant.

Let's not forget how Bryce left the program. A raided coaching staff. A handful of open scholarships. Basically no solid recruits. Star player already graduated. No communication with current players. No statement to fans or the community (other coaches that year with virtually no past connections were taking out full page ads in their local papers when leaving).

That just doesn't scream loyalty to me.


Great point & perspective a3


Quote from: a3uge on March 07, 2019, 07:35:27 PM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 07, 2019, 10:02:01 AM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 07, 2019, 09:40:55 AM
I can see the 30 for 30 now:

"What if I told you one man's decision to leave his alma mater would wreck two Vu's at the same time?"

I would never say that anything Bryce or any of the Drews did 'wrecked' Valpo. They exhibited loyalty and commitment to Valpo far beyond what most people would do for a mid-major program. I personally hope that Bryce turns things around at Vanderbilt and that the 'powers at be' in Nashville recognize the potential for long-term success, despite some short-term poor performance. Unfortunately, too many people only look at the short term.
Bryce wasn't loyal to Valpo as a coach. Because of his dad, he was able to get an assistant and then head coaching job handed to him at a young age. He was conducting interviews with other schools after his first year. I see not taking the DePaul job as common sense, not loyalty. I'm still not sure there's been a coach to get that large of a contract having not won an NCAA tournament game as a coach or an assistant.

Let's not forget how Bryce left the program. A raided coaching staff. A handful of open scholarships. Basically no solid recruits. Star player already graduated. No communication with current players. No statement to fans or the community (other coaches that year with virtually no past connections were taking out full page ads in their local papers when leaving).

That just doesn't scream loyalty to me.

This is not completely true...  Peters had 1 more year when he left and we had a solid team returning.  Peters/Jubril/Tevonn were all good with some decent pieces around them.   I will say it was odd that he didn't have a formal goodbye to players and fans and yes he didn't exactly hit the recruiting trail hard before he left. 


Quote from: SanityLost17 on March 07, 2019, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: a3uge on March 07, 2019, 07:35:27 PM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 07, 2019, 10:02:01 AM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 07, 2019, 09:40:55 AM
I can see the 30 for 30 now:

"What if I told you one man's decision to leave his alma mater would wreck two Vu's at the same time?"

I would never say that anything Bryce or any of the Drews did 'wrecked' Valpo. They exhibited loyalty and commitment to Valpo far beyond what most people would do for a mid-major program. I personally hope that Bryce turns things around at Vanderbilt and that the 'powers at be' in Nashville recognize the potential for long-term success, despite some short-term poor performance. Unfortunately, too many people only look at the short term.
Bryce wasn't loyal to Valpo as a coach. Because of his dad, he was able to get an assistant and then head coaching job handed to him at a young age. He was conducting interviews with other schools after his first year. I see not taking the DePaul job as common sense, not loyalty. I'm still not sure there's been a coach to get that large of a contract having not won an NCAA tournament game as a coach or an assistant.

Let's not forget how Bryce left the program. A raided coaching staff. A handful of open scholarships. Basically no solid recruits. Star player already graduated. No communication with current players. No statement to fans or the community (other coaches that year with virtually no past connections were taking out full page ads in their local papers when leaving).

That just doesn't scream loyalty to me.

This is not completely true...  Peters had 1 more year when he left and we had a solid team returning.  Peters/Jubril/Tevonn were all good with some decent pieces around them.   I will say it was odd that he didn't have a formal goodbye to players and fans and yes he didn't exactly hit the recruiting trail hard before he left.
Peters had graduated with a degree already - he was grad transfer eligible.


and Bryce wanted him to come with him to Vandy


Bryce was loyal to Valpo while he was at Valpo, and that's all that VU and its fan base can ask for.  When a person in that type of position is where they are at, they put on the company jersey and are totally dedicated, which he appeared to be.  VU had success.  When he went to Vandy, he had to put on their jersey and be totally dedicated to Vandy.  When Lottich leaves, same thing.  When the new coach comes in, we'll expect his old jersey to go in the closet, and be totally dedicated to Valpo.

Don't cry about what Bryce did when he left.  Up to the minute that he left, the program was in as good a shape as it should have been.  It was up to the new torchbearers to take it from there.


I think it's fair to criticize how he left vs just the fact that he left because, IMO, he didn't handle is as professionally as he could have, especially in regards to his players.

I also think that your point is one others were making. That Bryce and Scott both used Valpo as a platform and that they viewed it much more opportunistically than maybe the fan base viewed them and their family.


Quote from: 4throwfan on March 08, 2019, 09:24:38 AM
Bryce was loyal to Valpo while he was at Valpo, and that's all that VU and its fan base can ask for.  When a person in that type of position is where they are at, they put on the company jersey and are totally dedicated, which he appeared to be.  VU had success.  When he went to Vandy, he had to put on their jersey and be totally dedicated to Vandy.  When Lottich leaves, same thing.  When the new coach comes in, we'll expect his old jersey to go in the closet, and be totally dedicated to Valpo.

Don't cry about what Bryce did when he left.  Up to the minute that he left, the program was in as good a shape as it should have been.  It was up to the new torchbearers to take it from there.

You do an excellent job describing my feelings on this matter as well.  Not that it matters but I'll throw my support behind this logic.

I will fleetingly pay attention to the Drew family from afar but my loyalty to them has also been closeted for the time being. 


Bruce and Scott took advantage of the platform Valpo gave them.  They recruited well with the poor facilities given.  They consistently won in bad conferences.  They deserved to be promoted. 



Quote from: crusader05 on March 08, 2019, 09:31:11 AM
I think it's fair to criticize how he left vs just the fact that he left because, IMO, he didn't handle is as professionally as he could have, especially in regards to his players.

I also think that your point is one others were making. That Bryce and Scott both used Valpo as a platform and that they viewed it much more opportunistically than maybe the fan base viewed them and their family.

Agreed. It wasn't the most professional or smooth exit but most of the time these things never are, but you'd expect a little more courteous exit when it's your alma mater and your hometown. I don't fault him for wanting to bring Powell with him and it sounds like Powell wanted a change of scenery anyways. You don't want someone who doesn't want to be here. They both really worked their tails off and earned the big opportunities that came their way and I'm grateful for what they've done for our University and program. The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was trying to recruit AP and Skara to Vandy. It is what it is. Maybe we don't have the whole story. I still root for Bryce and Scotts success and happiness. I hope Bryce can turn things around at Vandy.

I think Bryce and Scott both have a huge heart for this program but they want to move onto bigger opportunities. Can't fault them for that.


Crusader05, not trying to be argumentative, but I do want to clarify something.  I wasn't trying to say that Scott and Bryce viewed Valpo as simply a rung on the ladder to something better.  Maybe they did.  But I do think that they worked hard to be successful, and that we should simply be thankful for that. 

As for leaving when the fanbase had a warm spot for the family, that may be.  However, having the community embrace them and their families is part of their job.  It's their job to do that.  Their families are part of the package.  So when they leave after we've embraced their families, that is difficult, but that's the nature of things.  Lottich and Gore have us embrace their families as well.  When they leave, it'll be the same.  When the new person comes in, it will be the same.


I understand. I do think sometimes there can be a weird undercurrent like the University didn't appreciate what they had with the Drews and I think that's what some of the comments were pushing back on here. I think that it was a mutually beneficial relationship but at the end of the day they were basketball coaches, they did their job well and I wish them luck. Especially since they are setting up to be our wealthiest Alumni who we know care about Athletics and maybe they want more than a court at Valpo named after more than their family :)


I re-read my original post, and something jumped out at me.  I said that it was up to the torchbearers to do something with what Bryce and crew left behind.  I think our issues may be with that.  Had the program continued on the same trajectory as past years, then I think (but don't know for sure) that complaints about Bryce's departure would not be has loud.  If there was an NCAA appearance or strong NIT run over the following two years, then I think most on this board could care less as to what Bryce did on the way out of town.  He threw the keys at Lottich, and said "good luck."

I think our problem is with the torchbearers.


And on the day Bryce left, AP and Skara were still on the roster. What transpired afterward (AP's season ending injury, the Skara fiasco, Jubril's suspension) had nothing to do with Bryce and was out of the control of the new torch bearers.

Just Sayin

There seemed to be some bad blood between Bryce and the university after his decision (or perhaps leading up to his decision) to take the Vandy job. We will never know but  I was surprised there wasn't a send off or something done publicly with the university and the fans. An appreciation celebration for his tenure at VU. The Drews don't normally just up and leave or have a thankless attitude. Everything they did was all class. We will never know the true story but the way Bryce and his family left was not typical of how they lived their lives. Something was rotten in Denmark.


Largest newspaper in Nashville saying that Bryce deserves to be fired, but likely won't be:


I know people (including Bryce) are gonna point to Homer's rough start at VU and cite that as evidence of why he should stay, but that's simply not gonna fly. For one thing, that was 30 years ago. For another, Homer was still being paid in the five digits at a program that had never won before (indeed, one where the "should we drop to Division II?" talk was an annual debate). There was almost no fan or media pressure calling for his job, because the Valpo program had little in the way of either fans or media attention at the time. Homer was a good representative of the program and there was no downside or risk in keeping him on as long as possible.

This ain't that. You have a coach with a nearly $17M contract going winless in the SEC in year three of his tenure. In a major city, in a major conference, with a history of success, with fans and big-market media with big-time expectations of their team. You can't take the big-league dough in the prestige conference and expect the same amount of slack your dad got at a struggling Mid-Con program in a town of 30,000 people three decades ago. This is a level of scrutiny that the Drew family has never been under (maybe Scott at Baylor a little bit, but media in Waco is not media in SEC-land).

Do I think Bryce should be fired? Of course not -- I want him to succeed at Vandy, and given the Garland injury, he should especially be given another year. But I don't think anyone should shed tears if Vandy decides otherwise. This is the business, which you fully accepted when you took the big payday, and coaches who have done better have been fired by other P5 schools in recent years.



Quote from: bigmosmithfan1 on March 14, 2019, 10:46:42 AMThis is the business, which you fully accepted when you took the big payday, and coaches who have done better have been fired by other P5 schools in recent years.
Probably not meant this way but this comes across so negative towards a move that I think most people in B. Drew's situation would make at the time. He's going from the Horizon League to the SEC fer christ's sake.