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Started by vu72, November 10, 2020, 04:04:41 PM

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Statement that I made:

"The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people."

It is too early to tell what % of vaccinated folks can still transmit COVID to non-vaccinated folks, as the vaccines are too recent.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on May 16, 2021, 01:08:04 PM
Statement that I made:

"The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people."

It is too early to tell what % of vaccinated folks can still transmit COVID to non-vaccinated folks, as the vaccines are too recent.

Tex - Is there a purpose to your point? Are you suggesting that Biden and the CDC erred in announcing that people who have been vaccinated no longer need to wear masks or social distance?


Uh, the point was made in my original response to that video:

She should not berate a student, but her general point is accurate.  If someone isn't 3-4 weeks past their final vaccination, they can still get it from vaccinated people.  The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people.  This board has to be smarter than believing that the mask wearing is only protecting yourself.  Do I think a mask mandate is still needed?  No.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on May 16, 2021, 04:13:07 PM
Uh, the point was made in my original response to that video:

She should not berate a student, but her general point is accurate.  If someone isn't 3-4 weeks past their final vaccination, they can still get it from vaccinated people.  The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people.  This board has to be smarter than believing that the mask wearing is only protecting yourself.  Do I think a mask mandate is still needed?  No.

She sounds like a petulant child whatever the circumstance. A clerk at the local Family Express comes face-to-face with hundreds of customers every day, none of whom have to wear a mask. Some have been vaccinated, some haven't. Some might be carrying COVID. Like everyone who serves the public, the clerk has 3 choices: wear a mask and hope for the best, quit, or man up and get vaccinated and stop living in fear.

Now consider this. The teacher is on the job 180 days a year (36 weeks); a full-time clerking job is 50 weeks a year. That's 40% more exposure time dealing with infinitely more people along the way. Then there's the icing on the cake. All teachers have spent at least some part of last year teaching from home, while store clerks (and most everyone else in the real world) have had to get up, gear up, and go out there and face the music every day with a smile on their face.

Teachers aren't anything special, they've just been told they are for so long they have a sense of entitlement that no one else has, or would dare have. The teacher in the video is not a sympathetic figure under incredible stress; she's a spoiled brat who bullies kids because she can.


LOL, Teachers aren't anything special, they've just been told they are for so long they have a sense of entitlement that no one else has, or would dare have.....this may be the goofiest thing you've ever said, and I don't say that lightly. 


Quote from: wh on May 17, 2021, 04:46:54 AM
Quote from: valpotx on May 16, 2021, 04:13:07 PM
Uh, the point was made in my original response to that video:

She should not berate a student, but her general point is accurate.  If someone isn't 3-4 weeks past their final vaccination, they can still get it from vaccinated people.  The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people.  This board has to be smarter than believing that the mask wearing is only protecting yourself.  Do I think a mask mandate is still needed?  No.

She sounds like a petulant child whatever the circumstance. A clerk at the local Family Express comes face-to-face with hundreds of customers every day, none of whom have to wear a mask. Some have been vaccinated, some haven't. Some might be carrying COVID. Like everyone who serves the public, the clerk has 3 choices: wear a mask and hope for the best, quit, or man up and get vaccinated and stop living in fear.

Now consider this. The teacher is on the job 180 days a year (36 weeks); a full-time clerking job is 50 weeks a year. That's 40% more exposure time dealing with infinitely more people along the way. Then there's the icing on the cake. All teachers have spent at least some part of last year teaching from home, while store clerks (and most everyone else in the real world) have had to get up, gear up, and go out there and face the music every day with a smile on their face.

Teachers aren't anything special, they've just been told they are for so long they have a sense of entitlement that no one else has, or would dare have. The teacher in the video is not a sympathetic figure under incredible stress; she's a spoiled brat who bullies kids because she can.

Teachers aren't anything special is easily the most ignorant thing ever written on this message board. Every teacher made a decision at some point in their lives whether they were going to pursue their own dreams or they were going to help others fulfill theirs. As a teacher myself, I'm not here to tell you I'm God's gift or anything, but I could've left this place long ago, become a national writer, written books and chased my own accomplishments. Instead, I draw joy from watching my students succeed. I've found purpose in sacrificing my own accomplishments (and finances) so I can help others. So lose it with this teachers aren't anything special  :censored:. What have you given back to the world?


It just isn't the same thing.  Having 100 interactions of 30-60 seconds each day, versus shepherding 15-30+ kids each day for 7-8 hours, and on top of that aspect, having to put up with some really insane parents that like to flout community expectations for their own 'freedoms.'  I used to be much further right on the political spectrum than I am now, and even my own dumb a$$ 18-22 year old self, would never have said what you just mentioned.   
"Don't mess with Texas"


Valpo announcement:

In response to the newly released CDC guidelines, beginning this fall, Valpo students who are fully vaccinated can gather in groups and will not be required to wear face coverings on campus. As a reminder, Valparaiso University will require every full-time, part-time, or audit student to complete a COVID-19 vaccination program by Aug. 1, 2021. A vaccinated campus means that you can look forward to the full Valpo campus experience this fall.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: valpotx on May 17, 2021, 11:53:41 PM
It just isn't the same thing.  Having 100 interactions of 30-60 seconds each day, versus shepherding 15-30+ kids each day for 7-8 hours, and on top of that aspect, having to put up with some really insane parents that like to flout community expectations for their own 'freedoms.'  I used to be much further right on the political spectrum than I am now, and even my own dumb a$$ 18-22 year old self, would never have said what you just mentioned.   

Rather than wasting time trying to help you understand how convoluted your logic is, hopefully this gets us there faster:

The world started dealing with the COVID pandemic 14 months ago. Every teacher in the United States, bar none, worked from home for the first 3 months and sat home the next 3. As you may recall the first 6 were the worst 6. We had no protocols, no proven therapy drugs, hospitals were overwhelmed with sick people,. Immediately, we experienced severe shortages of ventilators, masks, gloves and gowns, Nursing home residents in some areas were dropping like flies. We learned through painful experience that standard ventilator protocols didn't work, and were in fact adding to the death count. There were so many dead bodies in the New York metropolitan area they had to be stored in refrigerated trucks. Manufacturers were forced to make ventilators and PPE 24/7. Along the way everyday people from every walk of life began losing their jobs and small businesses. Many people were flat broke - busted - livelihoods and lives destroyed. Those who still had jobs, had to figure out what to do with their school-aged children who were suddenly stuck at home and exposed to on-line learning and complete isolation for the first time in their lives. There were no instruction manuals or best practices. Everything was learn as you go. When people finally started asking when schools were going to open up again, they were sumarily tarred and feathered by haughty bubble dwellers, who in the irony of all ironies called them selfish and a thousand oother profanity-laced descriptives.  Some school systems finally began to open up in September 2020, and teachers were forced to put their health at risk for the first time since the pandemic began. Of course, this didn't happen without a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth, threats, etc. from teachers unions (a powerful advocate that only a small portion of the workforce is privy to). So, let's fastforward to the present. Only half of school systems in the country are fully back to in-person instruction. Not only has NYC not reopened at all, they're debating whether they'll "be ready" by the beginning of next school year.

To be absolutely clear, I have no animosity toward teachers. I'm not jealous of their priveleged status. I don't begrudge them for receiving the same stimulus checks that people who lost their jobs, or had their hours reduced, or lost their businesses, or their savings, or had to borrow money to survive, or leave their children alone all day, or continuously baby sat a loved one's children, or contracted COVID, or lived in fear every day of contracting COVID through constant daily exposure, who lived not a prison sentence with a set time to be released but became prisoners of war never knowing from one day to the next when or if their imprisonment and punishment would ever end. Those are the the "special" people.

Oh, one more thing, the COVID vaccine has been available to everyone for several weeks. All the obnoxious WI teacher had to do was go get it and get on with her life. But, apparently she'd rather bully a kid who had the courage to do what she doesn't have. She's choosing to live in misery and fear. No one else owns her situation but her.


I always laugh at the idea that teachers don't work during the summer. As I write this, I'm sitting in my office, working on my summer courses that I'm teaching. I'm also outlining my lesson plans for my classes I'll be teaching in the fall. As a professor in journalism and communication, I'll be spending the next three months doing research on trends in the industry and updating my lectures. Teachers don't magically show up in August after three months of sunning ourselves on the beach and have all of our lesson plans and lectures ready to go. While you might not believe it, teachers do work year round.

As for teaching during those first three months as well as during the 2020-21 school year, let me borrow some of your words. "There were no instruction manuals or best practices. Everything was learn as you go." Yes, I received stimulus checks, and yes, I did with them exactly what they were intended to do. I stimulated the economy. We ordered take out from a different local restaurant every Sunday. We donated to food shelters. We put that money directly back into the hands of the people that needed it.

I'd write more, but I have to go back to work. What a novel concept.


Quote from: Pgmado on May 18, 2021, 12:37:10 PM
I always laugh at the idea that teachers don't work during the summer. As I write this, I'm sitting in my office, working on my summer courses that I'm teaching. I'm also outlining my lesson plans for my classes I'll be teaching in the fall. As a professor in journalism and communication, I'll be spending the next three months doing research on trends in the industry and updating my lectures. Teachers don't magically show up in August after three months of sunning ourselves on the beach and have all of our lesson plans and lectures ready to go. While you might not believe it, teachers do work year round.

As for teaching during those first three months as well as during the 2020-21 school year, let me borrow some of your words. "There were no instruction manuals or best practices. Everything was learn as you go." Yes, I received stimulus checks, and yes, I did with them exactly what they were intended to do. I stimulated the economy. We ordered take out from a different local restaurant every Sunday. We donated to food shelters. We put that money directly back into the hands of the people that needed it.

I'd write more, but I have to go back to work. What a novel concept.

I was referring specifically to the people we commonly refer to as "Teachers," not "College Professors." That said, I found myself dealing with an issue the other day that left me wondering about this group's summer activity level. My HS junior grandson (cousin to the thrower) wants to pursue a history/archaeology/anthropology academic track in college. My daughter has lined up 3 official college visits with universities with strong history programs. Two of the universities have lined up Professors from History to explain their programs, talk about career paths, archeology digs, internships, the whole 9. At the third college an admissions person told her that meeting with someone from history probably wouldn't be possible until the fall semester because their faculty members are on 9 month contracts and aren't available. When my daughter pressed her on it, she said she can ask and someone might be willing to come in, but no one is required to. Now he's going to 2 college visits in the next month.


Quote from: wh on May 18, 2021, 01:27:44 PMI was referring specifically to the people we commonly refers to as "Teachers," not "College Professors." That said, I found myself dealing with an issue the other day that left me wondering about this group's summer activity level. My HS junior grandson (cousin to the thrower) wants to pursue a history/archaeology/anthropology academic track in college. My daughter has lined up 3 official college visits with universities with strong history programs. Two of the universities have lined up Professors from History to explain their programs, talk about career paths, archeology digs, internships, the whole 9. At the third college an admissions person told her that meeting with someone from history probably wouldn't be possible until the fall semester because their faculty members are on 9 month contracts and aren't available. When my daughter pressed her on it, she said she can ask and someone might be willing to come in, but no one is required to. Now he's going to 2 college visits in the next month.

I can't refute that. It's a frustration for me when I see professors who don't want to meet with students. Personally, I'm meeting with a prospective sports journalism student from Hamilton Southeastern on Friday morning. I'm excited to meet with the student.


Teachers are on the job 180 days a year.  My hope is that you haven't been around many teachers.  Most teachers spend their Saturday mornings or Sunday evenings grading papers, revising lesson plans to meet district/school requirements, and considering how to make the next "unit" informative and interesting.  You also fail to account for teachers who are involved in extracurricular activities.  Teachers also coach, conduct bands or orchestras, accompany students to academic competitions, direct school plays, supervise school clubs and organizations, chaperone dances, etc.  In schools with limited resources, teachers routinely spend their summers painting their classrooms, collecting school supplies for students, providing tutoring to students, with much of the expenses coming out of their own pockets. While you can always find a person in any profession who behaves badly and it reflects on the entire profession, making general statements about how much teachers work is reckless.  Some of us can point to people in our own lives who were teachers, and can assure you that all teachers aren't on the gravy train. 


If you really want to get educated on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), then you need to watch the Dark Horse Podcast by evolutionary biologists Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein. They review and critique current research and the many hypotheses surrounding the origin of the virus and also the MRNA vaccines. Natural Antibodies and the COVID Vaccines      Spike Protein Hazard      How Many Cells are Damaged to Achieve Immunity?      Lab Leak Theory

No, I am not an Anti-Vaxxer. As some of you will remember from earlier posts on this topic, I had a severe case of the virus. I was finally cleared to get the vaccine 2 weeks ago and have gotten my first shot.  Drs. Heying and Weinstein are not right-wing activists, they are social liberals that are very concerned with the politicization of science and the fact that competing hypothesis to the natural origin of the virus were not allowed to even be discussed and debated, for fear of being called a conspiracy theorist, until early this year. Now it seems most probable that the virus was a "Gain of Function" experiment that got out of the lab and the global research community is just now looking at this virus through the proverbial correct lens. My wife is a Biochemist and she also has become concerned at the lack of rigor shown in proper scientific investigation in regards to SARS-CoV-2

Here is a link to the "Smoking Gun" investigative paper published about 2 weeks ago that is discussed in the videos linked above. The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora's box at Wuhan?


They are discussing and evaluating the absolute latest research and information on the virus. Most people are way behind the curve on this stuff, consider yourself now armed to know exactly what you are talking about in relation to SARS-CoV-2.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


Just please tell me that no one here is doing the same as members of my city's racist city council, and still calling COVID the Wuhan or Chinese Virus/Flu. 
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on May 15, 2021, 02:30:37 PM
She should not berate a student, but her general point is accurate.  If someone isn't 3-4 weeks past their final vaccination, they can still get it from vaccinated people.  The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't transmit it to other people.  This board has to be smarter than believing that the mask wearing is only protecting yourself.  Do I think a mask mandate is still needed?  No. 

I am dealing with this stupid crap in my hometown/city, with a bunch of the extremist folks from my party (full-blooded Republican here), touting a bunch of BS theories around masks, Critical Race Theory, and racial quotas for Gifted & Talent programs in the school system.  Google Colleyville or Southlake, TX, and don't be these people making the news for ignorance...oh yeah, F the True Texas Project/Texas Tea Party.

A close relative of mine is a conservative who teaches in a liberal, highly racially diverse school district with mostly white teachers. He's a great guy who loves his job. He's also astute enough to know that white male conservatives have become enemy number-1 of the radical left. He knows that he could become an easy mark for the cancel culture - doxxing, comments from recorded on-line class sessions taken out of context, smear campaign, etc.

My advice to him was play the game. Do what you have to do to survive. Change the tone of your tweets and Facebook posts. Talk about how your views have evolved (Obama's term from his 180 about gay marriage) as you've gotten older and wiser. Publicly surrender your rights to express opinions relative to racial and gender issues - "How could I as a privileged 45-year-old white male possibly understand what you're dealing with?"

So, that's his life now until the Bolshevik's are driven from power. Living underground, keeping his thoughts to himself, parroting leftist talk as required, protecting his reputation, his livelihood, and his family.

Godspeed, Tex. Till we meet again...


Quote from: valpotx on May 19, 2021, 02:18:18 AM
Just please tell me that no one here is doing the same as members of my city's racist city council, and still calling COVID the Wuhan or Chinese Virus/Flu.

I do not use those terms, but I also certainly do not regard them as racist. In fact, in discussions I always emphasize the truth about the responsibility of the Chinese government and the Wuhan lab, both their actions and inactions, for the horrible consequences we have witnessed the past two years. At the start of the pandemic, news agencies—including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and others—referenced the "China virus" or the "Wuhan virus." However, seeing the responsibility and focus placed on the Chinese government (rightfully so) rather than Trump—who used the term "China virus" to highlight the culpability of the Chinese government (not the people)—where Democrats and reporters wanted to place blame, the messaging was changed. Dr. Fauci even called it the "Wuhan virus" (he and the media still occasionally label variants as "the London strain," "the South African strain," or "the Indian strain"). However, like many in the medical establishment who also originally said "Wuhan virus," Fauci realized that pointing out the origins in Wuhan, specifically bringing attention to the work at the lab, would not reflect well on them (him), especially those who authorized and signed off on funding for the virus experiments at the lab.


Quote from: valpopal on May 19, 2021, 10:15:26 AM
Quote from: valpotx on May 19, 2021, 02:18:18 AM
Just please tell me that no one here is doing the same as members of my city's racist city council, and still calling COVID the Wuhan or Chinese Virus/Flu.

I do not use those terms, but I also certainly do not regard them as racist. In fact, in discussions I always emphasize the truth about the responsibility of the Chinese government and the Wuhan lab, both their actions and inactions, for the horrible consequences we have witnessed the past two years. At the start of the pandemic, news agencies—including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and others—referenced the "China virus" or the "Wuhan virus." However, seeing the responsibility and focus placed on the Chinese government (rightfully so) rather than Trump—who used the term "China virus" to highlight the culpability of the Chinese government (not the people)—where Democrats and reporters wanted to place blame, the messaging was changed. Dr. Fauci even called it the "Wuhan virus" (he and the media still occasionally label variants as "the London strain," "the South African strain," or "the Indian strain"). However, like many in the medical establishment who also originally said "Wuhan virus," Fauci realized that pointing out the origins in Wuhan, specifically bringing attention to the work at the lab, would not reflect well on them (him), especially those who authorized and signed off on funding for the virus experiments at the lab.

And having written that, have you thought about the reality of the idiots running around in this country assaulting Asian Americans?  You may not regard them as racist but street thugs apparently do.  How else would you justify the thousands of attacks on Asians? Geez.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on May 19, 2021, 10:25:10 AM
Quote from: valpopal on May 19, 2021, 10:15:26 AM
Quote from: valpotx on May 19, 2021, 02:18:18 AM
Just please tell me that no one here is doing the same as members of my city's racist city council, and still calling COVID the Wuhan or Chinese Virus/Flu.

I do not use those terms, but I also certainly do not regard them as racist. In fact, in discussions I always emphasize the truth about the responsibility of the Chinese government and the Wuhan lab, both their actions and inactions, for the horrible consequences we have witnessed the past two years. At the start of the pandemic, news agencies—including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and others—referenced the "China virus" or the "Wuhan virus." However, seeing the responsibility and focus placed on the Chinese government (rightfully so) rather than Trump—who used the term "China virus" to highlight the culpability of the Chinese government (not the people)—where Democrats and reporters wanted to place blame, the messaging was changed. Dr. Fauci even called it the "Wuhan virus" (he and the media still occasionally label variants as "the London strain," "the South African strain," or "the Indian strain"). However, like many in the medical establishment who also originally said "Wuhan virus," Fauci realized that pointing out the origins in Wuhan, specifically bringing attention to the work at the lab, would not reflect well on them (him), especially those who authorized and signed off on funding for the virus experiments at the lab.

And having written that, have you thought about the reality of the idiots running around in this country assaulting Asian Americans?  You may not regard them as racist but street thugs apparently do.  How else would you justify the thousands of attacks on Asians? Geez.

Let me point out a couple of fallacies in your brief comment. First, I am not in the business of justifying attacks of any kind or for any reason, rather I would deplore such acts; nor would I take the bait by expanding on this example of the Red Herring Fallacy. I was simply stating that the accurate use of a term that indicates an origin and thus a government's responsibility does not automatically consign its speaker as a racist. Second, what we see here is an example of the False Dilemma Fallacy: because some "thugs" react in a racist manner, then the city council members (or anyone else) who might use the term "Wuhan virus" must also be regarded as racist. Geez!


Quote from: vu72 on May 19, 2021, 10:25:10 AM
And having written that, have you thought about the reality of the idiots running around in this country assaulting Asian Americans?  You may not regard them as racist but street thugs apparently do.  How else would you justify the thousands of attacks on Asians? Geez.

You do realize your comment offering a reprimand and suggesting a more sensitive response to terms that might be regarded as racist actually includes a word regarded by many, including news media, as racist and forbidden. Ironic, eh? However, I am going to be consistent and not going to jump to the conclusion that you are racist for using the word "thugs" (Google "thug racist")!


Definition of thug
1see usage paragraph below : a violent or brutish criminal or bully
a brutal thug

That's from Merriam-Webster

The fact is that many of the people following/listening to those who use such terms just aren't the brightest (I know, now I'm being judgmental) So the way to avoid these attacks or interpretations as in any Asian must be responsible, is simply to not use such terms, accurate or not.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on May 19, 2021, 12:16:37 PM
Definition of thug
1see usage paragraph below : a violent or brutish criminal or bully
a brutal thug

That's from Merriam-Webster

The fact is that many of the people following/listening to those who use such terms just aren't the brightest (I know, now I'm being judgmental) So the way to avoid these attacks or interpretations as in any Asian must be responsible, is simply to not use such terms, accurate or not.

Apparently, you are unwilling to follow the advice you dole out to others. From a newspaper article: "In a political world, where words are pregnant with moral meanings, language is not innocent of racist content. Race-code words can trigger deep seated feelings of revulsion and give permission to vent frustration on targets lacking economic, social and political power.

Words like 'criminals,' 'thugs,' 'cockroaches' and 'sewer rats' can serve to whip up anxiety, fear and to manufacture consent."


Quote from: valpopal on May 19, 2021, 10:59:01 AM
Quote from: vu72 on May 19, 2021, 10:25:10 AM
Quote from: valpopal on May 19, 2021, 10:15:26 AM
Quote from: valpotx on May 19, 2021, 02:18:18 AM
Just please tell me that no one here is doing the same as members of my city's racist city council, and still calling COVID the Wuhan or Chinese Virus/Flu.

I do not use those terms, but I also certainly do not regard them as racist. In fact, in discussions I always emphasize the truth about the responsibility of the Chinese government and the Wuhan lab, both their actions and inactions, for the horrible consequences we have witnessed the past two years. At the start of the pandemic, news agencies—including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and others—referenced the "China virus" or the "Wuhan virus." However, seeing the responsibility and focus placed on the Chinese government (rightfully so) rather than Trump—who used the term "China virus" to highlight the culpability of the Chinese government (not the people)—where Democrats and reporters wanted to place blame, the messaging was changed. Dr. Fauci even called it the "Wuhan virus" (he and the media still occasionally label variants as "the London strain," "the South African strain," or "the Indian strain"). However, like many in the medical establishment who also originally said "Wuhan virus," Fauci realized that pointing out the origins in Wuhan, specifically bringing attention to the work at the lab, would not reflect well on them (him), especially those who authorized and signed off on funding for the virus experiments at the lab.

And having written that, have you thought about the reality of the idiots running around in this country assaulting Asian Americans?  You may not regard them as racist but street thugs apparently do.  How else would you justify the thousands of attacks on Asians? Geez.

Let me point out a couple of fallacies in your brief comment. First, I am not in the business of justifying attacks of any kind or for any reason, rather I would deplore such acts; nor would I take the bait by expanding on this example of the Red Herring Fallacy. I was simply stating that the accurate use of a term that indicates an origin and thus a government's responsibility does not automatically consign its speaker as a racist. Second, what we see here is an example of the False Dilemma Fallacy: because some "thugs" react in a racist manner, then the city council members (or anyone else) who might use the term "Wuhan virus" must also be regarded as racist. Geez!

Ok, let me put it this way.  One of our council members is fine having the confederate flag in pictures with her included, and a supporter of our current council was recently caught on video during the recent local elections, yelling 'white power' at an Indian American candidate that served in the US armed forces.  Does this put into perspective the level of far right BS I am dealing with locally?  I am a proud Republican, but I am not a white supremacist.  It is fine to reference COVID originating from Wuhan, but calling it the Wuhan Flu or Chinese Flu, is considered racist, regardless of how it was originally referenced.  Do we say Africa Ebola or US AIDS? 

"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpopal on May 19, 2021, 12:32:22 PMWords like 'criminals,' 'thugs,'

I hereby apologize to anyone who has attacked an Asian American for calling you a thug.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: valpotx on May 19, 2021, 02:55:52 PM
It is fine to reference COVID originating from Wuhan, but calling it the Wuhan Flu or Chinese Flu, is considered racist, regardless of how it was originally referenced.  Do we say Africa Ebola or US AIDS? 

The CDC calls viruses by their place names. Here are examples from the CDC web page:

Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus)
Sudan virus (species Sudan ebolavirus)
Taï Forest virus (species Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d'Ivoire ebolavirus)
Bundibugyo virus (species Bundibugyo ebolavirus)
Reston virus (species Reston ebolavirus)
Bombali virus (species Bombali ebolavirus)