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How Valpo Wins The Valley

Started by may know, February 19, 2019, 02:24:09 PM

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Quote from: may know on February 19, 2019, 02:24:09 PM

What's really nuts is that, while unlikely, I don't think many people around the league would be that surprised by an outcome with 8 teams at 10-8.



How about Valpo winning their remaining games and going 10-8? At this point, we can't be as concerned about what the other teams could possibly do, yet an 10-8 second season in the MVC would be respectable.


Quote from: valpo95 on February 19, 2019, 06:43:56 PM
How about Valpo winning their remaining games and going 10-8? At this point, we can't be as concerned about what the other teams could possibly do, yet an 10-8 second season in the MVC would be respectable.

I was happy to hear both Paul and Robbie say the team has NOT mailed it in at this point despite a disappointing stretch.  If Fazekas and others tell it true, maybe we have a run in us.  I'd be very happy with 3-1 but really expect 2-2 or even 1-3 to close regular season.  Maybe this way I am less disappointed?!?!

Some perspective provided from the Podcast, other than (some) internal dreams of Top 3 MVC we are really performing as predicted.  Maybe the 5-1 start skewed it for us as well as 7/8 losses of late but we are sort of where we were predicted to be.  Personally I feel predictions are for the birds, but we were atrocious last year and to think a similar roster was going to be Top 3 MVC was a little lofty.  Consider that Fazekas, Sackey and Freeman are all brand new to playing time on this team . . . that's a good chunk of our best performers for the year and they are all in their first year at VU.  Sucks that Fazekas only has 1 more year, but man I'm excited for the dynamic duo that is Freeman and Sackey.

It's also true that even though we are full of juniors on this team, this year was not our make or break year.  Really hope the team is more optimistic and good with each other than we fans are at this point.  I am guilty of this, but man we could ALL use a few (consecutive) Wins to bolster our head space.


One of the things they said that made me realize just how long Ryan has been out was when they said that Ryan and Sackey have barely played together since Sackey began starting where as I forgot that at the beginning of conference play we had been starting Lavender and Bakari.


I'd be happy if we went 2-2 down the stretch here. And, I think that's doable.


Right now just give me a win. I'll worry about seeding and 2-2 3-1 4-0 later. Right now use the players model of focus and beat SIU. Go Valpo!